the Edmund Persuader Button
A reader once suggested we print a button, not too large, to be worn discreetly by readers of Edmund Persuader. She had a very particular notion of what the motto should be, and as you can see from the photograph, her idea was irresistible. Someday it will be executed in cloisonné, perhaps, or as a cameo. But for now it’s just a button with a pin, though not at all common. We went one better by making a bumper sticker as well; for a peek, scroll to the bottom of this page. If you have a slow connection, be patient, as the images may take a minute to appear.
While supplies last (and they are limited), a button and sticker will be packed with each order that goes out by Priority Mail. (We can’t use Media Mail to ship merchandise of this type.) If you’re a Broadbridgean, you can request one free via our Contact Us page.